Sitting Pretty

If you’ve just made it past the potential minefield that is the guest list, here’s your next challenge: How are you going to seat everyone? Round tables? Long tables? One lone banquet table? Goodness. Read on to set your mind free from all the decisions…
Th is is your starting point. The most popular-and effective- option is to plonk your dance floor in the centre of the room. Then you will position the band/DJ against the wall. If your venue does not allow for this, you can place the dance floor at one end of the room, centered and backed up against a wall.
Choose the shape and size of your tables – but regardless of this, make sure the two of you are in a central spot that your guests can see. Figure out how many guests fit at each table, to determine how many tables you will need.
Start with yourself and your SO – you get the best seats in the house, whether that means with the best view or closest to the bar (it’s been a long few months!) Then arrange your tables as symmetrically as possible – in a U-shape around the centred dance floor or fill one end of the space (if the dance floor is on the one side).
Reserve the tables closest to the two of you for your immediate family, and set aside tables further from the band/DJ for the older guests. The less desirable seats should be saved for your friends. Keep people together who will enjoy the time together – perhaps there are family members who haven’t seen each other in a while?
This will also be dependent on your venue, but as a rule of thumb, the bas should be away from the entrance to avoid possible congestion. If you have more than one bar (one bar with two bartenders for every 100 guests is a good point of measure), then position one close to the dance floor and another one on the other side of the room.
Now that the hard work is over, how are you going to let your guests know where to sit on the day? If you have more than 75 guests, displaying their names in alphabetical order is the most convenient option, to eliminate confusion and unnecessary time spent at the seating chart. To make it more exciting, give each guest a refreshing cocktail of glass of bubbly along with their table number – it really sets the tone for a festive reception!