SAVE YOUR DATES WITH A TWIST The feeling of starting a new life with your soon-to-be is something one cannot explain. It feels like the...
At the wedding reception Traditionally only three speeches are delivered at a wedding, namely by the bridegroom, the bride’s father and...
Dear Bride
If you are a quitter by nature the married life is not for you. It is very easy to throw something away if you had enough of it, but it...
5 Things to do after you get engaged
Calling the family and posting on the Gram? Duh! But what else should you do after he’s popped the question? CELEBRATE! This doesn’t have...
THE HEN Commandments
Have you been tasked with arranging the all-important bachelorette party? Before you break out in hives because of the sheer immensity...
Blomme vir jul heel mooiste dag Elke bruid beplan lank aan haar troudag en weet presies hoe haar dekor en blomme moet lyk. Al is jou...
Wanneer jy as toekomstige bruid alleen in jou bad sit en afkyk na jou voete met die rooi warmwatermerke, moet jy voel jy is mooi nes jy...
Money Matters
What should you and your partner discuss before you get married? 1. Discuss each other's financial position in detail. What do you earn...
How to … choose a hairstyle
Before deciding on your hair, you need to know what your dress is going to look like. Whether it’s a romantic layered gown, a simple...
Waaroor gaan dit werklik?
Die “volmaakte troue” lyk elke jaar anders, tesame met die jongste modeontwerpe en nuutste idees ten opsigte van skryfbehoeftes en dekor....